Call for Papers to the international conference “The Philosophy of Computer Games 2011″,
to be held in Athens, Greece, on April 6th-9th 2011. Accepted papers will have a clear focus
on philosophy and philosophical issues in relation to computer games. They will also attempt
to use specific examples rather than merely invoke “computer games” in general terms. The
over-arching theme of the conference is Player Identity.
Deadline for submissions is 17.00 GMT, February 1st, 2011.
Send your abstract to
For more info
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Conference "The Philosophy of Computer Games", Athens, April 2011
computer games,
game histories,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
CFP - Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011
forwarded from:
We are pleased to invite you to Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2011 taking place at the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.
Abstract: ^
We are pleased to announce the second Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011 on Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks. The aim of the symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research on complex systems within or with the help of arts and humanities.
The symposium will highlight arts and humanities as an interesting source of data, where the combined experience of arts, humanities research, and natural science makes a huge difference in overcoming the limitations of artificially segregated communities of practice. Furthermore, the symposium will focus on striking examples, where artists and humanities researchers make an impact within the natural sciences. By bringing together network scientists and specialists from the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of networks and their visualizations in general.
The overall mission is to bring together pioneer work, leveraging previously unused potential by developing the right questions, methods, and tools, as well as dealing with problems of information accuracy and incompleteness. Running parallel to the NetSci2011 conference, the symposium will also provide a unique opportunity to mingle with leading researchers and practitioners of complex network science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.
In addition to keynotes and interdisciplinary discussion, we are looking for a number of contributed talks. Selected papers will be published in print in a Special Section of Leonardo Journal (MIT Press), as well as online in Leonardo Transactions. The symposium is a follow up to the first satellite event on “Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks" at NetSci2010 in Boston. The 2010 abstracts, papers and videos are available at
Confirmed keynote speakers: ^
Marek Claassen, Director, ArtFacts.Net
Jim Crutchfield, Director, Complexity Sciences Center, UC Davis / Scientific Director and Vice President, Art & Science Laboratory, Santa Fe
Nathalie Henry Riche, researcher, VIBE group, Microsoft Research, Seattle
Organizing committee: ^
Maximilian Schich, CCNR BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, USA
Roger Malina, Executive Editor at Leonardo Publications, France/USA
Isabel Meirelles, Dept. of Art + Design, Northeastern University, USA
Tijana Stepanovic, Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art’s Affiliate, ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Hungary
Possible subjects include: ^
* Contemporary art and network science;
* Cultural exchange and trade networks (from the Neolithic to modern supply chains);
* Emergence and evolution of canon in art, music, literature and film;
* Evolution of communities of practice in art and science;
* History and theory of network visualization;
* Networks in architecture and urban planning (from Ekistics to Reality Mining);
* Network structure and dynamics in art, music, literature and film;
* Networks of similarity and dependence (citation, motifs, Mnemosyne, etc.);
* Taxonomy and evolutionary models in art and science.
Submissions: ^
We are looking for ten 15 minute contributions covering a large territory around arts, humanities and complex networks. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and include one relevant URL. You are also requested to upload your most awesome figure in jpg format. You will have the opportunity to post your submission using the EasyChair system:
Important dates: ^
The deadline for applications is February 6, 2011.
Decisions for acceptance will be sent out by February 28, 2011.
The symposium will take place in Budapest on June 7, 2011.
Attendance: ^
Attendance to our symposium is free of charge. As space is limited, we require registration. We encourage everyone to also register for the main NetSci2011 conference. NetSci2011 attendees can register directly during main conference registration. For the NetSci2011 registration fee and deadline please see
In addition we will give out a limited number of free tickets via Eventbrite. The respective link will become available here, shortly.
Links: ^
Download CFP: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks at NetSci2011:
The 2010 abstracts, papers and videos:
ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange:
BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, Boston:
Dept. Art+Design, Northeastern University, Boston:
Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest:
Contact: ^
If you would like to be added to the list of interested people, please drop us an e-mail with the subject "Please add me to the Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks list" at Alternatively you can follow us on Twitter.
We are pleased to invite you to Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2011 taking place at the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.
Abstract: ^
We are pleased to announce the second Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011 on Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks. The aim of the symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research on complex systems within or with the help of arts and humanities.
The symposium will highlight arts and humanities as an interesting source of data, where the combined experience of arts, humanities research, and natural science makes a huge difference in overcoming the limitations of artificially segregated communities of practice. Furthermore, the symposium will focus on striking examples, where artists and humanities researchers make an impact within the natural sciences. By bringing together network scientists and specialists from the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of networks and their visualizations in general.
The overall mission is to bring together pioneer work, leveraging previously unused potential by developing the right questions, methods, and tools, as well as dealing with problems of information accuracy and incompleteness. Running parallel to the NetSci2011 conference, the symposium will also provide a unique opportunity to mingle with leading researchers and practitioners of complex network science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.
In addition to keynotes and interdisciplinary discussion, we are looking for a number of contributed talks. Selected papers will be published in print in a Special Section of Leonardo Journal (MIT Press), as well as online in Leonardo Transactions. The symposium is a follow up to the first satellite event on “Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks" at NetSci2010 in Boston. The 2010 abstracts, papers and videos are available at
Confirmed keynote speakers: ^
Marek Claassen, Director, ArtFacts.Net
Jim Crutchfield, Director, Complexity Sciences Center, UC Davis / Scientific Director and Vice President, Art & Science Laboratory, Santa Fe
Nathalie Henry Riche, researcher, VIBE group, Microsoft Research, Seattle
Organizing committee: ^
Maximilian Schich, CCNR BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, USA
Roger Malina, Executive Editor at Leonardo Publications, France/USA
Isabel Meirelles, Dept. of Art + Design, Northeastern University, USA
Tijana Stepanovic, Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art’s Affiliate, ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Hungary
Possible subjects include: ^
* Contemporary art and network science;
* Cultural exchange and trade networks (from the Neolithic to modern supply chains);
* Emergence and evolution of canon in art, music, literature and film;
* Evolution of communities of practice in art and science;
* History and theory of network visualization;
* Networks in architecture and urban planning (from Ekistics to Reality Mining);
* Network structure and dynamics in art, music, literature and film;
* Networks of similarity and dependence (citation, motifs, Mnemosyne, etc.);
* Taxonomy and evolutionary models in art and science.
Submissions: ^
We are looking for ten 15 minute contributions covering a large territory around arts, humanities and complex networks. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and include one relevant URL. You are also requested to upload your most awesome figure in jpg format. You will have the opportunity to post your submission using the EasyChair system:
Important dates: ^
The deadline for applications is February 6, 2011.
Decisions for acceptance will be sent out by February 28, 2011.
The symposium will take place in Budapest on June 7, 2011.
Attendance: ^
Attendance to our symposium is free of charge. As space is limited, we require registration. We encourage everyone to also register for the main NetSci2011 conference. NetSci2011 attendees can register directly during main conference registration. For the NetSci2011 registration fee and deadline please see
In addition we will give out a limited number of free tickets via Eventbrite. The respective link will become available here, shortly.
Links: ^
Download CFP: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks at NetSci2011:
The 2010 abstracts, papers and videos:
ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange:
BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, Boston:
Dept. Art+Design, Northeastern University, Boston:
Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest:
Contact: ^
If you would like to be added to the list of interested people, please drop us an e-mail with the subject "Please add me to the Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks list" at Alternatively you can follow us on Twitter.
Monday, January 17, 2011
moon museum
via @shane mecklenburger, who posted this beautiful link to facebook today,
text mirrored from wikipedia:
The Moon Museum is a small ceramic wafer three-quarters of an inch by half an inch in size,[1] containing artworks by six prominent artists from the late 1960s. The artists with works in the "museum" are Robert Rauschenberg, David Novros, John Chamberlain, Claes Oldenburg, Forrest Myers, and Andy Warhol.[1]
This wafer was supposedly covertly attached to a leg of the Intrepid landing module, and subsequently left on the moon during Apollo 12.[2] The moon museum is considered the first Space Art object.[3] While it is impossible to tell if the Moon Museum is actually on the moon without sending another mission to look, many other personal effects were smuggled onto the Apollo 12 lander and hidden in the layers of gold blankets that wrapped parts of the spacecraft.[1]
The concept for the Moon Museum was brainstormed by Forrest "Frosty" Myers. He stated that "My idea was to get six great artists together and make a tiny little museum that would be on the moon."[1] Myers attempted several times to get his project sanctioned by NASA. He claims the agency gave him the runaround and, Myers states, "They never said no, I just could not get them to say anything."[1] Instead of going through the official channels he was forced to take the back route and try to smuggle it on board.
Myers contacted Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), a non-profit group that was linking artists with engineers to create new works. Through E.A.T., Myers was introduced to some scientists from Bell Laboratories, specifically Fred Waldhauer. Using techniques normally used to produce telephone circuits, the scientists etched the drawings Myers had gathered onto small ceramic wafers. Either 16 or 20 of these wafers were created,[1] with one going on the lunar lander and the rest, copies of the original, handed out to the artists and others involved in the project.[4]
When NASA dithered whether the museum would be allowed onto the module, Waldhauer devised another plan. Waldhauer knew a Grumman Aircraft engineer who was working on the Apollo 12 lander module, and he proved willing to place the museum on it.[5] Myers asked Waldhauer how he would know if the museum actually made it onto the lander, and was told that the person who worked for Grumman would send him a telegram when the wafer was in place. At 3:35 p.m. on November 12, 1969, less than two days before Apollo 12 took off, Myers received a telegram at his house from Cape Canaveral, Florida stating "YOUR ON' A.O.K. ALL SYSTEMS GO," and signed "JOHN F."[1]
The existence of the work was not revealed until Myers informed The New York Times which ran an article on the story two days after Apollo 12 left the moon and two days before they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean.[6]
There are six artworks located on the ceramic tile, each one in black and white only. Starting in the top center is a single line by Robert Rauschenberg. To its right is a black square with thin white lines intersecting, resembling a piece of circuitry, by David Novros. Below it is John Chamberlain's contribution, a template pattern which also resembles circuitry. In the lower middle is a geometric variation on Micky Mouse, by Claes Oldenberg, a popular motif for the artist at that time. Myers created the work in the lower left, a computer-generated drawing of a "linked symbol" called "Interconnection". Finally, the last drawing in the upper left is by Andy Warhol. He created a stylized version of his initials which, when viewed at certain angles, can appear as a rocket ship or a penis.[1][2] "He was being the terrible bad boy." says Myers.[1] Warhol's work is covered up by a thumb in the image often associated with the Moon Museum, but other images with the drawing visible can be found.[6]
Both John Chamberlain and Claes Oldenberg have confirmed through representatives that they did in fact take part in the moon museum and contributed drawings to the effort.[4]
text mirrored from wikipedia:
The Moon Museum is a small ceramic wafer three-quarters of an inch by half an inch in size,[1] containing artworks by six prominent artists from the late 1960s. The artists with works in the "museum" are Robert Rauschenberg, David Novros, John Chamberlain, Claes Oldenburg, Forrest Myers, and Andy Warhol.[1]
This wafer was supposedly covertly attached to a leg of the Intrepid landing module, and subsequently left on the moon during Apollo 12.[2] The moon museum is considered the first Space Art object.[3] While it is impossible to tell if the Moon Museum is actually on the moon without sending another mission to look, many other personal effects were smuggled onto the Apollo 12 lander and hidden in the layers of gold blankets that wrapped parts of the spacecraft.[1]
Contents[hide] |

Image of the Moon Museum from the original New York Times article
Myers contacted Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), a non-profit group that was linking artists with engineers to create new works. Through E.A.T., Myers was introduced to some scientists from Bell Laboratories, specifically Fred Waldhauer. Using techniques normally used to produce telephone circuits, the scientists etched the drawings Myers had gathered onto small ceramic wafers. Either 16 or 20 of these wafers were created,[1] with one going on the lunar lander and the rest, copies of the original, handed out to the artists and others involved in the project.[4]
When NASA dithered whether the museum would be allowed onto the module, Waldhauer devised another plan. Waldhauer knew a Grumman Aircraft engineer who was working on the Apollo 12 lander module, and he proved willing to place the museum on it.[5] Myers asked Waldhauer how he would know if the museum actually made it onto the lander, and was told that the person who worked for Grumman would send him a telegram when the wafer was in place. At 3:35 p.m. on November 12, 1969, less than two days before Apollo 12 took off, Myers received a telegram at his house from Cape Canaveral, Florida stating "YOUR ON' A.O.K. ALL SYSTEMS GO," and signed "JOHN F."[1]
The existence of the work was not revealed until Myers informed The New York Times which ran an article on the story two days after Apollo 12 left the moon and two days before they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean.[6]

Supposedly one of the 15 or 19 copies of the Moon Museum.
Artwork Placement | ||
Warhol | Rauschenberg | Novros |
Myers | Oldenberg | Chamberlain |
There are six artworks located on the ceramic tile, each one in black and white only. Starting in the top center is a single line by Robert Rauschenberg. To its right is a black square with thin white lines intersecting, resembling a piece of circuitry, by David Novros. Below it is John Chamberlain's contribution, a template pattern which also resembles circuitry. In the lower middle is a geometric variation on Micky Mouse, by Claes Oldenberg, a popular motif for the artist at that time. Myers created the work in the lower left, a computer-generated drawing of a "linked symbol" called "Interconnection". Finally, the last drawing in the upper left is by Andy Warhol. He created a stylized version of his initials which, when viewed at certain angles, can appear as a rocket ship or a penis.[1][2] "He was being the terrible bad boy." says Myers.[1] Warhol's work is covered up by a thumb in the image often associated with the Moon Museum, but other images with the drawing visible can be found.[6]
Both John Chamberlain and Claes Oldenberg have confirmed through representatives that they did in fact take part in the moon museum and contributed drawings to the effort.[4]
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Who is John F.?, History Detectives, PBS, Season 8, Episode 1, June 7, 2010. Accessed July 14, 2010
- ^ a b Secret Museum On The Moon’s Surface. UCSD Libraries. March 1, 2008. Accessed July 14, 2010
- ^ The Moon Museum: First Space Art Object Lands at Tampa Museum of Art. Tampa Museum of Art June 18 - August 1, 2010. Accessed July 15, 2010.
- ^ a b Moye, David. Warhol in Space: Apollo 12 Secretly Carried Art to the Moon. AOL news. June 17, 2010, Accessed July 14, 2010.
- ^ a b Holy ^%$&! Man Smuggles Art To The &%#$ing Moon! February 8, 2008. Accessed July 14, 2010
See also
External links
art and technology,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
ISEA 2010 - conference proceedings
Friday, January 7, 2011
CFP: The Ethics of Sharing
forwarded from
The Ethics of Sharing
Call for Papers for Vol. 15 - July 2011
organizations (even if they try to limit sharing to members inside the organizations).
In information ethics, sharing has implicitly been discussed in terms of privacy, intellectual property, secrecy, security and freedom of speech, which together define the social character of the information environment. But recent developments such as WikiLeaks have shown that there is a need to go beyond discussing the legitimacy of access or restrictions. We need to address the motivations and ethical positions that compel people to share information, even at considerable risk to themselves. Has sharing of information a special virtue of the information society? How are choices of sharing or withholding information justified? Is sharing subversive of the new global information regime, or an integral aspect of it?
This issue of IRIE brings together contributions towards an ethics of sharing that embeds the technological potentialities in lived social experience. In our understanding, information ethics "deals with ethical questions in the field of digital production and reproduction of phenomena and processes such as the exchange, combination and use of information."
The Ethics of Sharing
Call for Papers for Vol. 15 - July 2011
- Deadline for extended abstracts: January 31, 2011
- Notification of acceptance to authors: February 8, 2011
- Deadline for full articles: April 30, 2011
- Publication: July, 2011
organizations (even if they try to limit sharing to members inside the organizations).
In information ethics, sharing has implicitly been discussed in terms of privacy, intellectual property, secrecy, security and freedom of speech, which together define the social character of the information environment. But recent developments such as WikiLeaks have shown that there is a need to go beyond discussing the legitimacy of access or restrictions. We need to address the motivations and ethical positions that compel people to share information, even at considerable risk to themselves. Has sharing of information a special virtue of the information society? How are choices of sharing or withholding information justified? Is sharing subversive of the new global information regime, or an integral aspect of it?
This issue of IRIE brings together contributions towards an ethics of sharing that embeds the technological potentialities in lived social experience. In our understanding, information ethics "deals with ethical questions in the field of digital production and reproduction of phenomena and processes such as the exchange, combination and use of information."
book recommendations?
i wanted to ask around if you have any good book recommendations on media art histories for spending cold early 2011 days?
These are the most recent books i read:
Dominic McIver Lopes, A Philosophy of Computer Art (on amazon)
R.Catlow, M.Garrett, C.Morgana, Artists Re:thinking Games (on amazon)
These are the most recent books i read:
Dominic McIver Lopes, A Philosophy of Computer Art (on amazon)
R.Catlow, M.Garrett, C.Morgana, Artists Re:thinking Games (on amazon)
books recommendations
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