INCCA Update – June 5, 2009
Latest news on "Modern Art: Who Cares? II" congressPreparations for the 2010 congress are in full swing. It will take place in Amsterdam from 9 - 11 June
2010. A pre-congress reception will take place on the evening of the 8th of June.
Registration will start in September 2009, so keep your eye out for updates per email or via the link on
the INCCA and SBMK websites
Tickets to the congress will cost:
€ 290
€ 160 for students
Included in the price of the ticket is a copy of the book Inside Installations (working title), which is due
for launch in March 2011.
The congress programme is being created in collaboration by a group of experts from 34 organisations
who are working together under the umbrella project PRACTICs. Most of these individuals worked
together during the EU project Inside Installations (2004-2007). For more information about PRACTICs
follow this link.
Co-organisers of the congress would like to point out that there will be no call for papers, but there will
be a call for posters. This is expected to be sent out in September 2009.
MA:WC?II will feature plenary lectures as well as a choice of circa 10 parallel sessions per day;
discussions, workshops and site visits. There will also be time allocated to poster presentations and
networking sessions. The themes for the three day congress are as follows:
Day 1: Acquisition: production and collection building
Day 2: Articulation: care & conservation
Day 3: Access: presentation & the role of the public
More details on the programme will be posted alongside registration information in September.
If you have any questions about the Modern Art: Who Cares? II congress, please send an email to