Today and Tomorrow points to a terrific set of photos found in the LIFE archive of Picasso doing light graffiti. They were shot in 1949 by LIFE photographer Gjon Mili when he visited Picasso in Vallauris, France.
MediaArtHistories a blog dedicated to discussing the study of Media Art Histories contact us: mediaarthistories@googlegroups.com
Memoryshare is a web service across a number of sites on bbc.co.uk, such as local websites, radio and television. It was launched on the BBC Norfolk site on 8 July 2007, on the BBC London site on 23 July 2007 and on the BBC South Yorkshire site on 25 July 2007. It uses the DNA software developed for h2g2. The long-term aim for BBC Memoryshare is for a fully dynamic service which will enable users to find and search BBC content against date, to create content and to share multi-media content with other users."
- memoryshare on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoryshare
- h2g2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H2g2
- on infostehtics: http://infosthetics.com/archives/2009/06/bbc_memoryshare_a_place_to_share_and_explore_memories.html
AAAARG was created with the intention of developing critical discourse outside of an institutional framework. But rather than thinking of it like a new building, imagine scaffolding that attaches onto existing buildings and creates new architectures between them."